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Meter App Logo

Meter Pro

Subscribing to Meter Pro unlocks the full capabilities of Meter App and is the best way to run a professional taxi service.


Receipt Sample

Fare Estimates

Estimate fares for your upcoming trips. Simply search for a destination in the app and it will create a route to the destination. Using this route and any of your fare structures it will estimate the price.

Configure Trip EstimateTrip Estimate

Custom Fares and Preset Fees

Create and manage unlimited custom fares. You can support different daytime and nighttime fares. You can create preset fees. For example, a 'Pet Fee' or a 'Airport Dropoff' fee.

Configure Trip EstimateConfigure Trip Estimate

Charge Credit Cards

Changing customers is a breeze. Simply jump into the Square App to charge your riders for their trip. Let us know which payment services you would like supported!